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Orgonite for Healing & Wellbeing

Orgonite for Healing & Wellbeing

Orgonite has an astonishingly wide spectrum of positive effects on humans, plants and animals.

Orgonite generates positive orgone energy and transmutes unbalanced (negative) energies into a more balanced state.


Orgonite is a mix of resin, metals, and crystals. These Orgone energy generator devices are uniquely functional and creates a self-driven, self-cleansing, energy changing current. The main function is to transform negative environmental energies, caused by Radiation from cell phone towers, modern devices and electrical wiring in our homes, into positive energies. Orgonite generates positive orgone energy within its composed structure and it is known for its positive influence it has on the environment it is placed in. It is a powerful tool that can be used for protection from Wi-Fi (4G & 5G), microwaves, cell phone radiation etc and general wellbeing.


Orgone, Prana, Chi, Life-force energy, whatever you want to call it, governs the planet and all living organisms. It influences our body, mind, and spirit. When our energies are balanced, it brings peace, joy, vitality, and joyful moods. Unbalanced energy can cause humans to become irritated, distressed, and many illnesses can be linked to it.


So you’re wondering where to place your orgonites? The answer for this question is simple. Everywhere. Unfortunately in today’s environment soaked up the man-made technologies beaming DOR it is just wise to have orgonite everywhere. Here is a short list where to place your orgonite:

  • Near your TV, computer, i-pad, Wi-Fi router, cell phone, smart meter, Sound system speakers and other “smart” appliances that produce DOR and beam you the EMFs, ELFs, and RFs.
  • In the fridge and places where you keep your vegetables and food.
  • Near the main inlets of water, gas, and electricity to your house. Orgonite will help in restructuring their energies.
  • In the bedroom. Experiment where your body feels most comfortable with the Orgonite while sleeping – bedside table or the next to the bed on the floor or a few metres away.
  • In the bathroom. Put it in the bath while running the water and keep it there to enjoy a relaxing experience. The human body absorbs around 1.5L of water while having a bath – Apart from charging up the water with positive energy, orgonite will also break down harmful chemicals. (It is crucial to NOT ADD harmful chemicals to your bathwater. Do not use handy-andy or ammonia based products to clean your bath, a thin layer stays behind and will get absorbed through the skin.)
  • In the garden. Plants simply love orgone energy and seem to thrive on it. Your veggies and fruits will be healthier, taste better, and grow bigger.
  • In the car. Place orgonite in the cabin, and one in the trunk close to the petrol tank.
  • In the neighborhood – distribute orgonite in your local area and see the birds, bees and other wildlife return to your area.
  • Orgone discs, due to their shape, are one of the best orgone healing tools. A flat- or dome shape allows for placing them on the body, where pain is present. They emit very harmonious frequencies that help to calm inflammation and distress. Many have also reported that orgonite improves the quality of sleep
  • Orgonite charging plates can be used inside your Fridge, pantry, vegetable shelf - the “charged-up” food keeps its freshness for longer and the chemicals starts to break down.
  • On your desk, the plate can be used as a coaster, to restructure the energies of foods and beverages, while also transmuting the harmful energy emitted by your PC or other electronic devices.
  • It helps with keeping the vibes in your home and office peaceful and calm. In fact, it will repel negative energies as well as people. They can't usually handle the positive energy that vibrates from the organite. Placed under your feet at the end of the day it will remove negative energy and toxins from the body. There are specific instructions for this process.


All cultures and civilizations have recognized the presence of the Universal Life Energy. It is said to be mass free, and that it connects and penetrates the entire physical universe. It radiates from all living and non-living things and flows through all and everything. 

All materials and things influence its behavior, by attracting or repelling it. It seems to be mostly attracted by all living organisms, water and to itself. Other known energies like light, microwaves or radio waves can act as a carrier for the orgone energy.


DOR is connected to EMFs, ELFs, and RFs that are mainly produced by human electro-smog creating technologies. Cell phone broadcast towers (death towers), smartphones, wireless internet (wi-fi), smart meters, and high voltage lines are among the most common generators of DOR. Some experts even say that the root of the environmental pollution and negative human emotions is due to this unbalanced energy surrounding us all.



Electromagnetic fields are invisible and inaudible to humans. They are however extremely harmful to all living organisms on our planet. The Majority of man-made devices produce orgone energy in its negative state (DOR).This is also called electro-smog. Cell phones and cell towers, as well as wireless internet are at the top of the electro smog producing list of culprits. Electrical appliances, globes, smart meters, high-voltage lines, radio towers, etc. to name a few others. Orgonite mitigates the negative effects of the electro-smog. It changes the underlying negative and harmful orgone energy (DOR), into balanced and much healthier orgone energy. 

Orgonite produces healthy energies and it has energy stabilizing effects on the human bio-energy field (aura). Orgonite creates a positive environment in its immediate space. This “positive space” can support all forms of personal and spiritual development, creating the perfect environment for practices like meditation and energy-based healing arts.

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